It’s about the Joy

Well, another week is about to hit the downhill slide and so I thought perhaps I would write a bit about some events that have been going on. Of course, everyone that I know has been preparing for the holidays in one form or fashion, but not everyone I know has really been taking a lot of time to pause and remember just what it is we are celebrating, so I thought I would do that here.

You see, this time of year has nothing to do with Santa Claus, or about the fact that our waist lines might be expanding, or even the desire to peek at a gift to see what so-and-so got us … but it is about celebrating the birth of this world’s Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Over the past few weeks I have had the pleasure of talking each Sunday morning in regards to the Advent season, and I actually never really spent much time focusing on the purpose behind Advent, other than knowing some candles were lit to show what each week represented. However, did you know that each week has a theme to it? For example, last week (week 3) discussed the JOY of the Lord, and I found one specific verse that just speaks to me so clearly about JOY. Interestingly enough, this verse comes from Luke 23:43 and it says, “… assuredly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” From the cross, as Jesus was fulfilling the purpose of His birth, he brings JOY to a repentant sinner who willfully cries out for the Lord’s mercy. I had to stop and really consider that. From this painful instrument of death that the Romans used, while Jesus was dying for our sins, He acknowledged that a man needed JOY and PEACE that could only come from God … and it was given to him.

So I ask you, are you involved in giving JOY this holiday season? How about PEACE? Are you focused on the HOPE that this season brings? Are you telling others that there is a WAY for us to have all of these things? Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; and no man comes to the Father accept through me.” As you look upon the celebration of the birth of our Savior, I pray that you would constantly keep this in mind and understand that Jesus was born to die, for you.

Are you willing to give your life to Him? Are you willing to tell someone else about the true reason for the season?

Your thoughts?